Anti-Wrinkle Treatments

Are you tired of looking in the mirror and seeing those exasperating wrinkles and lines staring back at you? Look no further than anti-wrinkle injections, the UK's number one method for combating facial aging. Say goodbye to those annoying lines caused by repeated facial muscle contractions and hello to a smoother, more youthful appearance. By injecting Botulinum Toxin into the muscles responsible for those wrinkles, you can relax them and watch as those lines soften or even disappear before your eyes. And that's not all - in the hands of our skilled practitioner, these injections can also create lifting effects by relaxing certain muscles and allowing opposing muscles to do their work. Don't let the passage of time dictate how you look and feel. With just one treatment lasting 3-4 months, you can take control of your appearance and regain your confidence.

Since Botulinum Toxin is a prescription-only medication, you'll need to schedule an initial consultation before beginning treatment. This is to ensure that your goals are understood, your medical history is reviewed for suitability, and your prescription is prepared. Schedule a consultation today to discover how we can help you bid farewell to those unwelcome signs of aging.

Our Treatments

Botulinum Toxin is a revolutionary treatment with countless benefits that can transform your life. From reducing wrinkles and fine lines to relieving chronic migraines and muscle spasms, the possibilities are endless. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your appearance and improve your quality of life. Take the first step towards a happier, healthier you by exploring the wide range of treatments we offer. 

One Area

If you are looking to address wrinkles specifically around your eyes, targeting your crow's feet, you may benefit from anti-wrinkle treatments focused on this area.

Price: from £170

Two Areas

When treating lines on the forehead and frown lines, it is important to address both muscles together as they work in pairs. This approach ensures that all lines are effectively smoothed out and prevents one muscle from overcompensating.

Price: from £200

Three Areas

This treatment combines all areas, targeting lines around the eyes, frown lines, and forehead lines to achieve a refreshed and more youthful appearance.

Price: from £220

Brow Lift

For a brow lift, the specific facial muscles that normally pull the eyebrows down are treated, therefore allowing the lifting muscles to take over. The muscles around the eyebrows are pulled upwards, elevating the eyebrows and moving the natural arch slightly higher. The eyebrows are lifted resulting in the eyes appearing more open and refreshed.

Price: £200

Bunny Lines

Bunny lines are facial creases that develop on the sides of the nose when making certain facial expressions like frowning or smiling. These lines can be effectively treated by targeting the specific facial muscles that contribute to their formation. By relaxing these muscles, the appearance of wrinkles is reduced, resulting in smoother and more youthful-looking skin.

Price: £150

Vertical Lip (Smoker's) Lines

Perioral lines, commonly known as "smoker's lines," can develop around the mouth as a natural part of aging, not exclusively due to smoking. These lines are formed by certain facial muscles and can be treated by targeting and relaxing these muscles. By doing so, the appearance of these lines can be softened, leading to a rejuvenated look around the mouth area.

Price: £150

Dimpled Chin

A dimpled chin, also known as a "pebble chin" or "orange peel chin," is characterized by small depressions or indentations in the chin area. These dimples are caused by the contraction of the mentalis muscle. By targeting and relaxing these muscles, the appearance of dimples in the chin area can be reduced, resulting in a smoother and crease-less chin.

Price: £150

Gummy Smile

When the upper lip is hyperactive, it can cause the muscles controlling the area between the nose and mouth to work excessively, resulting in an excessive display of teeth and gums when smiling or laughing. By specifically targeting and relaxing these overactive muscles, the upper lip can be prevented from contracting or lifting too much during smiling. The outcome is an improved and more aesthetically pleasing smile.

Price: £150

Downturned Corners of the Mouth

A downturned mouth is characterized by the corners of the mouth drooping downward. This is caused by the Depressor Anguli Oris muscle. By relaxing this muscle, the downward pull is reduced, resulting in a less droopy and more cheerful appearance in the mouth area.

Price: £150

Lip Flip

A lip flip procedure can enhance the fullness and definition of the upper lip without using dermal fillers. This is achieved by relaxing the Orbicularis Oris muscle, which surrounds the lips. By reducing tension in this muscle, the upper lip is lifted, resulting in a more pronounced pout.

Price: £150

Jawline Slimming/Bruxism

Bruxism is a condition characterized by involuntary teeth grinding and jaw clenching, commonly occurring during sleep. This can result in dental problems, jaw pain, headaches, and other medical issues. By targeting and relaxing the Masseter muscle, which is responsible for these actions, significant improvement in symptoms can be achieved. Additionally, reducing the size of the Masseter muscle through treatment can lead to a slimmer face and jaw, making it a sought-after option for individuals with prominent Masseter muscles.

Price: £300

Nefertiti Neck Lift

A Nefertiti neck lift is a procedure that can help combat the signs of aging by targeting the lower face, jaw, and neck areas. This cosmetic treatment focuses on relaxing the Platysmal Bands, which are vertical muscles that extend from the collarbone to the jawline. By doing so, the procedure aims to reduce wrinkles, minimize neck sagging, and enhance the definition of the jawline, leaving you looking more youthful and refreshed.

Price: £350


Armpit hyperhidrosis, or excessive underarm sweating, can be effectively treated with Botulinum Toxin. This treatment works by blocking the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that activates sweat glands. When injected into the armpits, Botulinum Toxin targets these overactive nerves, preventing them from signalling the sweat glands. This results in reduced sweating in the treated area.

Price: £350

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